Reality is too big for our little heads…use models not mindsets to think

Persistent problems often seem intractable because of the frame through which we view them.  A fixed point of view on an issue may lead us to struggle because we are trying to solve the wrong problem.”

Elizabeth Heichler, 2022 MIT Sloan Management Review. Summer 2022 v 63(4) P.1

“Reality is too big for our little heads. So we use simplifications of reality to deal with it, impressions of reality: ideas, concepts, frames, models, forms, and theories. These help to explain the reality we encounter. Hence, our choice is not between them, let’s say, theory and reality, so much as between alternative theories of reality. Logically, we choose the theory that is most useful under the circumstances – not the best, but the best available – no matter how imperfect it may be.”

Henry Mintzberg (2023) Understanding Organizations…Finally!  P.119

Resilience is life-long learning – a lesson from Covid

Uncertainty is a commonly used word today.  Uncertainty creates stress – and the uncertainty in our private and work lives is escalated in a world being transformed by a pandemic that comes in waves. 

In this uncertain world, there is a lot of encouragement for us to develop a resilient mindset. It’s almost as if resilience is a silver bullet – something you can take to get you through the hardships. However, I have observed a few things over the last week that have caused me to stop and think. We need to be realistic about resilience.  Many people are finding it tough. Here are a few thoughts.

It’s okay to acknowledge and say you are not coping.

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