The vision of a leader is a rallying point for followers

Vision creates the focus for the organisation; results get attention; and communication pulls it together.

 In “Leadership is an art”, Max DePree states  “the first responsibility of a leader is to define reality”. Visioning  can be seen as an ongoing process of orienting an organisation to the emerging realities of the outside environment. 

The leader is the direction setter and must define the vision – and it is the subordinates who must define the objectives that move the organisation toward those goals.

Thus, the first task of effective leadership must be to have a vision that is compelling enough to command attention – to win commitment of the members of the organisation so they are motivated to achieve common goals.  

A shared vision :

  • creates alignment and common purpose;
  • allow peoples meet the need to do meaningful work;
  • increases the discretionary efforts put into the task;
  • defends against the forces of doubt, cynicism and self-interest; and
  • encourages risk taking.

However, having a compelling vision alone is inadequate for accomplishment as a leader, and must be complemented by communication and relationship building skills.