create your own star performance

When it was published in 2013 The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation by Jon Gertner received wide favourable comment.  Re-Reading it recently reminded me of an earlier assessment that is relevant in a era where business is acutely conscious of the need to manage talent.

Here is a checklist of behaviours and attitudes encouraged in staff by Bell Labs in an effort to create star performers.

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Yet more reviews of research – has science reached its limits?

The science ecosystem has been restructured regularly during my career, and I often wonder to what effect.

Effective science, and effective research thrives when there is

  • social space for personal initiative and creativity, 
  • time for ideas to grow to maturity,
  •  openness to debate and criticism, 
  • hospitality towards innovation, and
  •  respect for specialized expertise. 

I have regularly reflected on these words written by John Ziman 30 years ago, and on advice I received early in my management career – “you cannot, and should not try to manage the research – your job is to manage the environment in which you people do their research.”

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Common Challenges Impacting the Achievement of Intensively Sustainable Agriculture

Achieving food and nutrition security for the world requires further intensification of agriculture in a sustainable manner. There are many constraints to be mastered.

• Financial Constraints

• Limited Access to Resources

• Climate Variability

• Pest and Disease Management

• Market Access

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