What happens when we remain silent?

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Are you having difficulty getting heard?  Being drowned out?  Facing criticism? As much as your critics count you may have more to fear from silent friends, or rather the silence of friends in important public debates.

It’s frustrating when you feel that your voice has not been heard. It is even more frustrating when your arguments are misrepresented, or even dismissed, by antagonists to take and entrenched position, all are unprepared to accept the possibility that they might be wrong. The people who only want to hear views that are similar to their own. You can’t even have an informed discussion. Blocked so you cannot be heard.

But where are your friends? Your supporters in the debate?

Think of it in another way. Have you ever seen somebody in difficulty trying to make a point or express a view or argue a case in the face of unreasonable and at times uncharitable attacks? What have you done? Have you joined the fray? Or do you remain silent?

What happens when we remain silent? When we remain silent we encourage continued isolation from the facts.

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Do we take our organisations too seriously? A Company as a Carnival – vintage Tom Peters

Today I was wandering through an old note book reflecting on business post-Covid. I “found”this 1992. I have always found it delightful and fun to try and think in metaphorn and this from Tom Peter – well it’s vintage Peters – fun and vibrant! And was probably before it’s time!! Or perhaps still ahead. Enjoy

Add up fickle and fashion, the need for bonkers “organisations,” lots of tries and the matchless power of markets, and what do you have?  Among other things, a clarion call for a new imagery.

In short, today’s organisational images stink.  Not just those that derive from the military (“Kick ass and take names”) and “pyramids” (heavy, steep, immobile), but even the new “network,” “spiderweb,” “Calder mobile.”  These modern notions are a mighty step forward, but they still miss the core idea of tomorrow’s surviving corporation:  dynamism.

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The 100% rule for business success

you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Ideas only having power if you use them or share them. 

Inc. Magazine has a nice article entitled why “idea” should be a verb written by Jeff Haden.

He says: Every day, would-be entrepreneurs let hesitation and uncertainty stop them from acting on an idea. Fear of the unknown and fear of failure are what stopped me, and may be what stops you, too.To which I would add, it’s not just the entrepreneurs.

The final sentence in the article says it all:  You certainly won’t get it right all the time, but if you let “idea” stay a noun, you will always get it wrong.

It reminds me of Wayne Gretzky reflecting on why he was so successful as an ice hockey player:  you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Haden’s advice:  try trusting your analysis, your judgement, and even your instincts a little more.

And then – take the shot!