Book Review: “Leadership through Disruption” by Andrew Liveris

Book Review: “Leadership through Disruption” by Andrew Liveris

Author: Andrew Liveris

Date of Publication: 2021

Title: Leadership through Disruption

Publisher: Wiley

ISBN: 978-1119606041


In “Leadership through Disruption,” Andrew Liveris, the former CEO and Chairman of The Dow Chemical Company, covers the essence of leadership in times of significant change and uncertainty.

Core Themes

“Leadership through Disruption” revolves around several themes that are useful for understanding the dynamics of leading in turbulent times:

1. Adaptability and Resilience: Liveris emphasizes the importance of adaptability and resilience in leadership. He argues that leaders must be prepared to pivot and adjust their strategies in response to changing circumstances. This theme is particularly relevant in the context of global crises, technological advancements, and shifting market dynamics.

2. Innovation and Sustainability: A significant portion of the book is dedicated to the intersection of innovation and sustainability. Liveris advocates for a forward-thinking approach where leaders not only focus on profitability but also consider the long-term impact of their decisions on the environment and society.

3. Global Perspective: Drawing from his global experiences, Liveris underscores the importance of having a global perspective. He discusses the benefits and challenges of operating in diverse markets and the need for leaders to be culturally aware and sensitive.

4. Ethical Leadership: The book stresses the importance of ethical leadership. Liveris highlights the role of integrity, transparency, and accountability in building trust and credibility with stakeholders.

5. Technological Disruption: Liveris addresses the rapid pace of technological change and its implications for leadership. He discusses how leaders can harness technology to drive innovation and stay ahead of the competition.

Strengths of the Book

1. Practical Insights: One of the key strengths of “Leadership through Disruption” is its practicality. Liveris provides actionable insights and strategies that leaders can implement in their organizations. His advice is grounded in real-world experiences, making it highly relevant and applicable.

2. Engaging Storytelling: Liveris’s storytelling ability enhances the book’s appeal. He shares personal anecdotes and case studies from his tenure at Dow, providing a vivid and engaging narrative. These stories not only illustrate key points but also make the book enjoyable.

3. Holistic Approach: The book adopts a holistic approach to leadership, addressing not only business strategies but also the personal attributes and values required to lead effectively. Liveris’s emphasis on ethical leadership and sustainability reflects a comprehensive understanding of modern leadership challenges.

4. Global Relevance: Liveris’s global perspective is another major strength. His insights into operating in diverse markets and managing cross-cultural teams are invaluable for leaders in multinational corporations. The book’s global relevance makes it a useful resource for leaders worldwide.

5. Focus on Innovation: Liveris’s emphasis on innovation is timely and relevant. He provides practical advice on fostering a culture of innovation and leveraging technology to drive business growth. His insights are particularly useful for leaders in industries undergoing rapid technological change.

Potential Limitations

1. Focus on Large Corporations: While the book offers valuable insights for leaders in large corporations, its applicability to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may be limited. Some of Liveris’s strategies and examples are specific to the context of large, multinational organizations.

2. Limited Discussion on Implementation Challenges: Although Liveris provides numerous strategies and recommendations, the book could benefit from a more in-depth discussion on the challenges of implementing these strategies. Practical guidance on overcoming common obstacles would enhance its utility for readers.

3. Emphasis on Personal Experience: The book heavily draws on Liveris’s personal experiences and leadership style. While this adds authenticity, it may also limit the generalizability of some insights. Different leaders may face unique challenges that require tailored approaches.

Detailed Analysis of Key Themes

Adaptability and Resilience:

Liveris’s discussion on adaptability and resilience is particularly compelling. He argues that the ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances is a hallmark of successful leaders. This theme is illustrated through various examples, including Dow’s response to the 2008 financial crisis. Liveris highlights the importance of maintaining a flexible mindset and being open to new ideas and approaches. His advice is grounded in practical examples, making it highly applicable for leaders facing similar challenges.

Innovation and Sustainability:

Liveris’s emphasis on innovation and sustainability is timely and relevant. He argues that leaders must balance the pursuit of innovation with a commitment to sustainability. This dual focus is essential for long-term success and aligns with the growing emphasis on corporate social responsibility. Liveris provides practical advice on fostering a culture of innovation, including encouraging experimentation, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and leveraging technology. His discussion on sustainability is equally insightful, emphasizing the need for leaders to consider the environmental and social impact of their decisions.

Global Perspective:

Liveris’s global perspective is a significant strength of the book. He draws on his extensive experience working in diverse markets to provide valuable insights into managing cross-cultural teams and operating in different regulatory environments. Liveris’s advice on cultural awareness and sensitivity is particularly relevant for leaders in multinational corporations. He highlights the importance of understanding and respecting cultural differences, building strong relationships with local stakeholders, and adapting business strategies to local contexts.

Ethical Leadership:

Liveris’s emphasis on ethical leadership is another key strength of the book. He argues that integrity, transparency, and accountability are essential for building trust and credibility with stakeholders. Liveris’s discussion on ethical leadership is grounded in practical examples, including his own experiences at Dow. He highlights the importance of setting a strong ethical tone at the top and creating a culture of integrity within the organization. Liveris’s advice is particularly relevant in today’s business environment, where ethical behavior is increasingly scrutinized by stakeholders.

Technological Disruption:

Liveris’s discussion on technological disruption is timely and relevant. He argues that leaders must embrace technology and leverage it to drive innovation and stay ahead of the competition. Liveris provides practical advice on harnessing technology, including investing in digital transformation, fostering a culture of innovation, and staying ahead of technological trends. His insights are particularly useful for leaders in industries undergoing rapid technological change.


“Leadership through Disruption” by Andrew Liveris offers a wealth of practical insights and strategies for navigating the complexities of modern business environments. Liveris’s emphasis on adaptability, innovation, ethical leadership, and global perspective makes the book highly relevant for leaders in today’s rapidly changing world. While the book’s focus on large corporations and reliance on personal experiences may limit its applicability to some readers, its strengths far outweigh these limitations. Overall, “Leadership through Disruption”  provides usable guidance for leaders seeking to thrive in times of disruption.

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