Chronic problems in organisations – community, business, government

When it comes to organisation of all types, there are some problems that seem to persist and persist and persist….

When I first started seriously studying management and leadership in the 1980s, people like Stephen Covey were in vogue.  In 1990, he identified chronic problems in organisations. I don’t see much different today. 

Take a look at this list, and ask yourself how well your organisation is doing and what you might do in your organisation differently.

  1. No shared vision and value
  2. No strategic path
  3. Poor alignment: bad alignment between structure and shared values, between mission and systems; the structure and systems of the organisation poorly serve and reinforce the strategic paths.
  4. Wrong style: the management philosophy is either incongruent with shared vision and values or the style inconsistently embodies the vision and values of the mission statement.
  5. Poor skills, particularly people
  6. Low trust: staff has low trust, a depleted emotional bank account, and that low trust results in closed communication, little problem – solving or poor cooperation and teamwork.
  7. No self-integrity: values do not equal habits; there is no correlation between what I value and believe and what I do.

Source:  SR COVEY (1990)  Principle-Centred Leadership, London: Simon and Schuster.  Pp.165-171