Tips on dealing with conflict

At some stage in our life we have to handle conflict. Within a team we can all help manage and resolve conflict among team members. The following are some useful actions you can take.

  • Check that the conflict is real. Ask those who disagree to paraphrase one another’s comments.  This may help them learn if they really understand one another.
  • If real, try to work out a compromise.  Get everyone to agree on the underlying source of conflict, then engage in give-and-take and finally agree on a solution.
  • Ask each member to list what the other side should do.  Exchange lists, select a compromise all are willing to accept, and test the compromise to see if it meshes with team goals.
  • Have the sides each write 3 to 5 questions for their opponents.  This will allow them to signal their major concerns about the other side’s position.  And the answers may lead to a compromise.
  • Coach team members to see a need for compromise. They sometimes may have to admit they’re wrong.  Help them save face by convincing them that changing a position may well show strength.
  • Respect the experts on the team.  Give their opinions more weight when the conflict involves their expertise, but don’t rule out conflicting opinions. We all need to entertain the possibility of being wrong.