Say No. Stop. Walk Away.

In the present world of the virtual office and working from home, it is easy to fall into bad habits. 

Here is a great post by Michael Thompson – Want to raise your confidence? Learn to walk away. This is one of those wake-up call articles.  We all try to push through and fight resistance when the going gets tough or when we are trying to finish a job – and our energy lags and our productivity falls away.

So, does it really impact our output, our achievement, and our sense of self-worth if we stop and walk away? Here’s a couple of quotes from Thompson. How are you doing in the COVID-disrupted work spaces?

“…I’ve failed to realize that developing the discipline to stop is just as important as finding the motivation to start.”

“Today I have done enough and tomorrow I’ll finish what I’m working on — and it’ll be better for it.”

“Do you want to know what spurs my best ideas? My wife. My kids. My friends. Good conversation. Green grass. Tall trees. A run. A book. Life.”

Yet every evening when my energy is running down, and what I am working on will be better tomorrow — my wife still has to call my name three times before I finally sit down to eat a cold dinner that was once warm.

It’s a quick and fun read – go for it