This moment is your life

If only we looked at now
If we looked, only, at now
This moment is our life
But as I sit and reflect
in comes regret
What is it about “what could have been been”?
Or “might be”
As I sit and reflect
in comes regret
and doubt……………………………………..
Why rehearse the past
And create what should have been
It’s gone, the past, gonenot forgotten
Just gone
Now is where I live
As I sit and reflect
Enjoy, don’t regret
The future is yet to emerge
Unknown at first, but ….
But what of now?What do I observe?
Not the past
Note the future
Just now, here, at this moment
What do I see
As I sit and reflect
I neglected
to observe
to make sense
to know what it is that I do
when I do what I do
Don’t sit and reflect
Observe, then reflect
Make sense of now
My life is this moment
Shaun Coffey 17 September 2014