Create the right climate at work and results will follow

Climate is the key determinant of performance.  Every action and decision you take will have a direct impact on the climate in the organisation.

I am sure many readers will have shared the experience of attending a culture change workshop where a “desired culture” is identified and a list of “behaviours” is identified. Then we all go back to work where we continue to do the same things we always do in the hope that the culture will change.  Unless new and different activities are introduced the change efforts will be suboptimal.

One aspect of this that is rarely spoken about is the difference between climate and culture in organisations.

Culture tends to be deep and stable (entrenched). Culture is often difficult to access and perceive. Climate, on the other hand, is often easier to perceive and understand – the behaviour, attitudes and feelings that characterise daily life in the organisation. Climate is not only easier to assess, but it also is easier to change.

It is worth repeating. Climate is the key determinant of performance.  Every action you take, every decision made, will have a direct impact on the climate in the organisation. Neglecting your people, for example, creates a poor climate.

A warm, supportive, co-operative climate where high standards are accepted and expected improves your chances of business success.  Creating a climate where the team’s objectives are crystal clear creates the grounds on which a healthy culture will develop – one where every employee is committed to the company’s goals and works hard to contribute to them.

It goes beyond just asking: Do they work well together as a team?

  • The important questions for individuals look like this:
  • Is everyone clear about what they’re doing?
  • Do they feel their contribution is recognised?
  • Do they feel they get a hearing?
  • Are they truly valued by the organisation?
  • Do they have a sense that they belong?
  • Do they work well together as a team?

If you want to change your culture, perhaps you should start with changing the climate.