Thoughts On Thursday…learning is work

“The ability to learn from experience in the present — from moments, not models — is what is needed when the past has become a hindrance and the future is unclear.“ p.49

This week I was alerted to this paper by Gianpiero Petriglieri.  It’s attraction is a reminder that whilst we often voice the need to learn at work, we often leave that as an aspiration.  To turn aspiration to action we need to create the time and space for learning to occur.  It must a a conscious process.

“There is freedom that comes with transformative learning. If you can notice, voice, interpret, and own your experience, you can also begin to imagine how to change it.” p.50

 Gianpiero Petriglieri (2020) Learning for a Living. Learning at work is work, and we must make space for it.  MIT Sloan Management Review Vol. 61, No. 2 • Reprint #61209 •